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  Welcome to The Global Open University Nagaland

Master of Arts (M.A.) School Education

Objective : The two years Master of Arts (M.A) Degree in School Education conducted by The Global Open University, Nagaland has been designed for meeting the demand of the growing needs of experts in the fields of early childhood education, normal and exceptional children’s behaviour, elementary, primary and secondary school education, teaching psychology, pupils needs and progress, economics of school education etc.

Eligibility : Graduates of any discipline

Duration : Two years

Award : Master of Arts (M.A) Degree in School Education shall be awarded to all the successful candidates by The Global Open University, Nagaland.

Subjects : First Year
Introduction to School Education
Early Childhood Education
Economics of School Education
Elementary, Primary & Sec. Sch. Edu.
Problems of Learners in Schools

Subjects : Second Year
Educational Development in Sch.
School Management Planning
Teaching Psychology
School Education Today
School Education Abroad

Careers in School Education

Education in India is provided by both State owned as well as private sector managed schools. India has made progress in terms of increasing primary education attendance rate and expanding literacy to approximately two thirds of the population. There is a great demand of school teachers for catering to the needs of primary and secondary education viewing the need for emphases on inclusion of the different sections of the society specially disadvantaged. Due to the shortage of resources and trained manpower, the educational system suffers from massive gaps including high pupil-teacher ratio.

Total Fee : Rs. 28,150

Accordingly, the Application Form duly filled-in along with four stamp size photographs, copies of certificates and mark sheets and a Bank Draft for the full fee i.e. Rs. 28,150 in the name of “The Global Open University, Nagaland” payable at Dimapur must reach the Admissions Officer, The Global Open University, Sodzulhou Village, P.O. – ARTC, NH-39, Dimapur – 797115 Nagaland by registered / speed post only.

Examination Fee : A fee of Rs. 300 per paper is to be paid before appearing in the Annual Examinations to be held at different Examination Centers within the State of Nagaland (Dimapur, Kohima, Wokha).

Master’s Thesis : All students are required to submit a Master’s Thesis at the end of second year.

Assignments : All admitted participants must submit subjectwise assignments based on the Mini Project Reports to be prepared by them on a topic related to each of the subjects.

The Global Open University Nagaland has stopped admitting students after the 2023 Academic Session.
This website is being kept alive for the purpose of showing to the employers that this website gives the detailed statement of the courses run upto 2023 Session starting from 2008 Session.
The Global Open University Nagaland is now conducting only full time regular courses in its main campus at Dimapur.