MBA in 51 Professional Specialisation and Areas

Objective : The two years Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree being conducted by The Global Open University, Nagaland has been designed for meeting the demand of the growing needs of experts in the fields of human resource development, marketing, finance, production and operations, international business, retail management, information technology and systems, insurance, intellectual property rights, green business and technology management, disaster management, environmental management etc.

Eligibility : Graduates of any discipline Duration : Two Years

Specialisation Area to be opted : Only One at a time.

Award : Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree shall be awarded to all the successful candidates by The Global Open University, Nagaland.

Total Fee for the MBA Degree : Rs. 36,150

This amount is payable by Bank Draft at Dimapur in the name of “The Global Open University Nagaland”.

Fee Payment Schedule : The entire fee of Rs. 36,125 is payable at the time of admission as all the study materials for all papers from first to fourth semesters are handed over to the students at the time of admission. This is the minimum fee as other universities and institutions charge much higher fee.

Submission of Admission Forms : The completed Admission Form duly filled-in along with four stamp size photos, copies of certificates and mark sheets and a Bank Draft for the full fee i.e. Rs. 36,150 in the name of “The Global Open University, Nagaland, ” payable at Dimapur must reach the Admissions Officer, The Global Open University, Sodzulhou Village, P.O. – ARTC, NH-39, Dimapur – 797115 Nagaland

Examination : Semester Examinations are conducted in June and December every year all over the country. An Examination Fee of Rs. 300 per paper is also to be paid in the name of The Global Open University, Nagaland” payable at Dimapur. An examination fee is to be paid before appearing in the Examinations to be held at different Examination Centers within the State of Nagaland (Dimapur, Kohima, Wokha).

Master’s Thesis : A Master’s Thesis is to be submitted by all students in the fourth semester. The topic of the Master’s Thesis may be based on the relevant areas of management and / or administration depending on the choice of the student concerned.

Assignments : All students must submit assignments in the form of Mini Project Reports of 35 to 40 pages for all papers of all the four Semesters based on topics of different papers. The assignments must reach the University one month before the concerned Semester exam.

MBA with two / three specialisations

Graduates of any discipline wanting to specialise in two/three areas may select this specialised MBA Degree. They will be allowed to study all the 32 papers with the only exception that they will be eligible to select two/three specialisations of 8 papers each out of the many alternative choices. They may appear for the first specialisation in the third semester and for the second specialisation in the fourth semester along with the regular papers of fourth semester. However they will appear in the third specialisation after completing the fourth semester examination.

Fee Payment Schedule : The fee per extra specialisation is Rs. 12,500 payable at the time of opting for extra specialisation...
MBA (Human Resource Management)
MBA (Marketing Management)
MBA (Financial Management)
MBA (Information Technology & Systems)
MBA (Environmental Management)
MBA (NGO Management)
MBA (Entrepreneurship Development)
MBA (Biotechnology)
MBA (Nanotechnology)
MBA (Health Care and Hospital Admn.)
MBA (Medicinal Plants)
MBA (Intellectual Property Rights)
MBA (Global Peace and Security)
MBA (Disarmament Studies)
MBA (Total Quality Management)
MBA (Geoinformatics)
MBA (Ecotourism)
MBA (Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Mgt.)
MBA (Disaster Management)
MBA (Media Management)
MBA (Insurance Business)
MBA (Retail Management)
MBA (Criminology)
MBA (Forensic Science)
MBA (Geriatric Care)
MBA (Sustainable Development)
MBA (Pollution Control)
MBA (Real Estate Management)
MBA (Green Business)
MBA (Educational Management)
MBA (Institutional Management)
MBA (Behavioural Science)
MBA (Fashion Design, Technology and Mgt.)
MBA (Production and Operations Mgt.)
MBA (Materials Management)
MBA (Police Administration)
MBA (Organic Farming)
MBA (Habitat and Population Studies)
MBA (Climate Change Management)
MBA (Green Technology)
MBA (Good Governance)
MBA (Planning and Development)
MBA (Rural Development)
MBA (Women's Empowerment)
MBA (Child Care Management)
MBA (Foreign Trade Management)
MBA (Mental Health Management)
MBA (Tribal Development)
MBA (Social Work Management)
MBA (Cooperative Management)

The MBA Degree is of Four Semesters. Out of these, first, second and fourth semester papers are compulsory where as eight papers of third semester keep on changing based on the choice of a particular specialisation chosen by the participants out of the 51 specialisation areas with the detailed papers as mentioned below.

First Semester
Mgt. Process and Perspectives
Organisational Behaviour
Managerial Economics
Management Accounting
Quantitative Techniques
Computer Aided Management
Total Quality Management
Business Communication


Second Semester
Human Resource Management
Marketing Management
Financial Management
Business Laws
Research Methodology
Production and Operations Mgt.
Economic Environment of Business
Business Ethics
Third Semester
HRM Specialisation
H R Planning and Development
Labour Laws in India
Organisational Change and Dev.
Industrial Relations
International H R Management
Performance Appraisal & Mgt.
Management of Training & Dev.
Managing Interpersonal / Group Behaviour


Third Semester
Mktg. Mgt. Specialisation
Advertising & Sales Promotion
Management of Services
Marketing Research
International Business
International Marketing
Consumer Behaviour
Brand Management
Rural Marketing


Third Semester
Fin. Mgt. Specialisation
Corporate Finance
Taxation in India
Indian Financial System
Mgt. of Financial Services
Security Analysis
Portfolio Management
International Finance
Mgt. of Financial Institutions


Third Semester
IT-Systems Specialisation
Systems Analysis and Design
Software Engineering
Database Management Systems
Internet Applications and Java
Computer Graphics
Web Technologies
Computer Comm. and Network


Third Semester
Environmental Mgt. Specialisation
Introduction to Env. Science
India’s Env./Global Env.Issues
Environmental Education
Population and Comm. Ecology
Natural Res. Conservation
Environmental Protection and Law
Environmental Impact Assessment
Pollution Monitoring & Control
Third Semester
NGO Mgt. Specialisation
Nationalism and Indian Society
NGO Development
Fund Raising
NGO and Social Development
Voluntary Org. : Past, Present & Future
Resource Management for NGOs
State, Civil Society and NGOs
United Nations and NGOs


Third Semester
Entrepreneurship Specialisation
Concept of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial Education
Benchmark for Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship in SME Sector
Entrepreneurship for Sustainability
Women Entrepreneurship
Global Entrepreneurship
Rural Entrepreneurship
Third Semester
Biotech. Specialisation
Introduction to Biotechnology
Applications of Biotechnology
Biotech. Industries
Biotech. Engineering
Biotech. Risks, Safety and Ethics
Biotech. Informatics
Modern Advances in Biotech.


Third Semester
Nanotech. Specialisation
Third Semester
Bioinformatics Specialisation
Bio Programming Languages
Statistical Methods and DBMS
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Biotech. and Ind. Microbiology
Structural Bioinformatics
Biocomputing Languages
Bioinformatics Software


Third Semester
Hospital Admn. Specialisation
Introduction to Health Care
Hospital and its Departments
Health Education
Health Informatics
Medical Ethics
Special Care Hospitals
Health Science, Law & Knowledge
Health Insurance
Third Semester
Medicinal Plants Spl.
Intro. to Medicinal Plants
Medicinal Plants Cultivation
Phyto-Pharma. Studies (Pharmacognosy)
Conservation & Distribution of Med. Plants
Phyto-Pharma. Studies (Pharmacology)
Medicinal Plants Resource Mgt.
Quality Control for Med. Plants


Third Semester
IPR Specialisation
IPR and its General Regime
Patent System, Law & Policy
Copyright & Neighbouring Rights Law
Trademark System, Law and Policy
Industrial Designs & Geo-indications
IPR Protection : Global & Local Scenario
IPR, Innovations, Science and Tech.


Third Semester
Global Peace & Security Spl.
Peace Keeping and Peace Making
Global Wars and International Security
Int.Organisations and Global Peace
Regional Security and Confidence Bldg.
Treaties on War, Peace and Security
World Conflicts
International Laws on Terrorism
Regional Laws on Terrorism

Third Semester
Disarmament Std. Spl.
Major Res. & Decision on Disarmament
Arms Control and Disarmament
Arms Race, Trade and Military Expenditure
Defensive Security and Arms Reduction
Conventional Wars and Weapon Systems
Nuclear Wars, Weapons & Global Security
Nuclear Non-Proliferation and World Peace
Nuclear Test Bans and Weapon Free Zones
Third Semester
TQM Specialisation
Fundamentals of TQM
Statistics / Mgt. Systems & Guides
Decision Making Aids
Quality Policy, Objectives and Audits
Statistical Process Control
Inspection Quality, Samp. Plans / Env.,Health & Safety
Materials Management
Testing and Calibration Laboratories


Third Semester
Geoinformatics Spl.
Physical Geography
Geographical Information System
Principles of Remote Sensing
Spatial Database Design
Modern Cartography and Map Digitization
Modelling and Visualisation of Spatial Data
Internet Based GIS / Land Use Planning
Tools for Map Analysis / Info. Extraction
Third Semester
Ecotourism Spl.
Concepts of Tourism
Introduction to Ecotourism
Ecotourism Venues and Business
Ecotourism Planning and Dev.
Design of Ecotourism Facilities
Wildlife Tourism
Social & Cultural Aspects of Ecotourism
Researching Tourist Satisfaction


Third Semester
Tourism, Travel & Hospitality Spl.
Intro. to Tourism, Travel & Hospitality
Mgt. of Tourism & Hospitality Industry
Hospitality Professional Services
Hospitality Admn and Manpower Dev.
Hospitality Project Management
Hospitality Mgt., Trg. and Development
Eco-Tourism and Environment
Tourism Planning : Approaches & Tech.
Third Semester
Disaster Mgt. Spl.
Introduction to Disaster Mitigation
Hydro., Coastal & Marine Disasters
Atmospheric Disasters
Geo., Mass Movement & Land Disasters
Forests related Disasters
Wind and Water Driven Disasters
Technological Disasters
Case Studies in Disaster Mgt.


Third Semester
Media Management Spl.
Principles of Mass Communication
Media Ethics and Laws
News Reporting and Editing
Media Management and Development
Professional Journalism
Print Media Management
Electronic Media Management
Public Relations Management
Third Semester
Insurance Business Spl.
Business Dev. and its Mgt. Practices
Insurance Business in India
Insurance Regulations
Corporate Procedures and Practices
Life Insurance Products and Services
General Insurance Products & Services
Case Studies in Life Insurance
Case Studies in General Insurance


Third Semester
Retail Management Spl.
Introduction to Retail Management
IT and Retail Management
Advertising Management
Brand Management
Marketing Research
Consumer Behaviour
Sales Force Management
Third Semester
Criminology Specialisation
Crime and Criminology
Criminal Intelligence and Combat Mech.
Crime in India
Crime Against Women
Crime and Corruption
Criminal Law and Justice
Crime Prevention : Commissions and Reports
Global Terrorism


Third Semester
Forensic Science Spl.
Intro. to Forensic Science
Forensic Science Disciplines
Forensic Psychology
Forensic Services
Forensic Technologies
Forensic Science Education & Res.
Forensic Toxicology, Pharmacist & Nursing
Computer Forensic Information


Third Semester
Geriatric Care Spl.
Introduction to Geriatric Care
Principles and Practice of Gerontology
Geriatric Psychology and Psychiatry
Geriatric Education and Counselling
Geriatric Sociology and Social Gerontology
Geriatric Pharmacology and Cure
Fatal Diseases Care Rehabilitation
Chronic Ailments and Ageing


Third Semester
Sustainable Dev. Spl.
Global Sustainable Development
Habitat and Population
Global Warming and Ozone Depletion
Green Movements
Wildlife, Wilderness and Forests Cons.
Toxic, Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes


Third Semester
Pollution Control Spl.
State of India’s Pollution/Global Pol. Issues
Air Pollution
Water Pollution
Noise Pollution
Agricultural Pollution
Nuclear and Thermal Pollution
Marine Pollution
Solid Waste Management
Third Semester
Real Estate Mgt. & Dev. Spl.
Introduction to Real Estate Dev.
Real Estate Economics
Construction Management
Building and its Types
Real Estate Trends and Appraisal
Real Estate Related Laws
Growth and Recession in Real Estate
Real Estate Marketing
Third Semester
Green Business Spl.
Introduction to Green Business
Strategies for Green Business Development
Planning & Policy Initiatives for Green Business
Networking Business Organisations
Green Business and Johannesburg Summit
Industry’s Environmental Compliance
Cleaner Production for Green Business
Globalisation Trade and Environment


Third Semester
Educational Mgt. Spl.
Educational Systems in India
Educational Thinker’s Views
Educational Leadership
Educational Administration
Educational Marketing
Dev. Planning in Education
Worldwide Educational Systems
Future of Educational Entrepreneurship


Third Semester
Institutional Mgt. Spl.
Institution Building Philosophies
Management of Educational Institution
Management of Voluntary Institutions
Management of Political Institutions
Management of Religious Institutions
Mgt. of International Institutions
Mgt. of Government Institutions
Mgt. of Business Institutions
Third Semester
Behavioural Sci. Spl.
Intro. to Behavioural Science
Organisational Change and Development
Managing Interpersonal /Group Beh.
Organisational Development
Stress Management
Conflict Resolution and Management
Psychological Profiling

Third Semester
Fashion Design, Tech. & Mgt.
History of Fashion
Areas of Fashion
Fashion Design, Tech. and Mgt.
Fashion Fabric and Clothing
Fashion Designers & their Styles
Fashion Journalism
Fashion Shows & their Mgt.
Sustainable Fashion
Third Semester
Production & Operations Mgt.
Theories of Production and Operations
Economics of Production
Production Design and Manufacturing
Logistics Engineering
Production Technologies
Industrial Engineering
Productivity Analysis
Process Improvement and Mgt.


Third Semester
Materials Management
Purchasing Management
Materials Management
Materials Disposal Management
Transportation Management
Procurement Management
Stores Management
Negotiations & Contract Management
Emerging Issues in Materials Mgt.
Third Semester
Police Administration
Effective Policing
Criminal Law Enforcement
Forensic Science
Police Reforms
Advanced Policing
Gore Committee Report
Police Research


Third Semester
Organic Farming
Introduction to Organic Farming
Organic Farming Techniques
Organic Farming Systems
Ornamental Organic Gardens
Integrated Pest Management
Organic Fertilizers
Organic Organisations
Organic Food


Third Semester
Habitat & Pop. Studies
Human Settlements and Human Health
Urban and Rural Settlements
Population Pressure and Poverty
Population, Env. and Development
Population Explosion and Poverty
Population and Development
Nuptiality and Fertility
Population Education


Third Semester
Climate Change Mgt.
Politics of Climate Change
Global Warming
Sea Level Rise
Global Warming : Cooperation
Saving Ozone Layer
Nuclear Power Wastes
Toxic & Hazardous Waste Mgt.
India’s Role in GWR
Third Semester
Green Technology
Intro. to Green Science & Tech.
Green Technology Dimensions
Green Energy Technologies
Environmental Sustainability
Corporate Environmental Res.
Green Technological Applications
Green Laws Compliance
Green Conventions


Third Semester
Good Governance
Planning and Dev. in India
Political Theory
Good Governance and Mgt.
Accountability and Public Audit
Economic History of India
NGOs, Gov. & Social Change
Social Problems in India
Community Development
Third Semester
Planning & Development
Introduction to Planning & Dev.
Planning in India
Social Development
Society, Nature & Environment
Development Planning
Good Governance and Mgt.
Government Accountability
NGO Management


Third Semester
Rural Development
Intro. to Rural Development
Rural Banking in India
Rural Employment
Integrated Rural Development
Rural Entrepreneurship
Panchayati Raj and Rural Dev.
Sustainable Rural Development
Gender, Population & Rural Dev.
Third Semester
Women’s Empowerment
Historical Perspective of Women
Women and Family Welfare
Women and Social Issues
Empowerment of Women
Women and Crime
Women and Health
Women and Development
Challenges for Women


Third Semester
Child Care Management
Introduction to Child Care
Child Education & Development
Adolescent Growth
Childlife and Acculturation
Early Childhood Education
Child Psychology
Child Rights
Holistic Child Care
Third Semester
Foreign Trade Mgt.
Introduction to Foreign Trade
International Economics
India’s Foreign Trade Policy
International Marketing
Export Documentation
IPR and Foreign Trade
Foreign Trade Restrictions
World Trade related Bodies


Third Semester
Mental Health Mgt.
Introduction to Mental Health
Mental Health – Positive Psy.
Personality Theories
Mild Mental Disorders
Psychotic Disorders
Psychological Testing
Neurological Disorders
Personality Disorders
Third Semester
Tribal Development
Intro. to Tribal Development
Social Triology of Tribal India
Tribal Development Planning
Tribal Dev. Programmes
Empowerment of Tribals
Tribal Areas Development
Education & Training for Tribals
Ethnobiology of Tribals


Third Semester
Social Work Management
Introduction to Social Work
Resource Mobilisation for SW
Social Development
Social Work & Community Dev.
Social Unrest and Violence
Human Rights and Social Work
Changing Dimensions of SW
Future of Social Work
Third Semester
Cooperative Management
History of Cooperative Movement
Types of Cooperative Organisations
Cooperative Marketing
Cooperative Finance
Consumer Behaviour
Cooperative Union
Cooperative Education
Future of Cooperative Management


Fourth Semester
Management Information Systems
Logistics and Supply Chain Mgt.
Management Control Systems
Strategic Management
Project Management
Entrepreneurship Development
Corporate Governance
Master’s Thesis

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